Friday, November 22, 2013

Thanksgiving and Your Pets

This is a season to say thanks to those we love, including our canine companions. Some dog owners do this by sharing some of their family feast with their pooch. While you may think that a few morsels of "people food" can't hurt, the fact is that some foods can be harmful—even lethal—to dogs.
The foods we eat during the holidays tend to be particularly rich and fatty, and that can cause health problems in dogs now and down the road. Vomiting and diarrhea are commonly seen in dogs given food that is not a part of their regular diet, especially foods that are high in fat.
How to ensure that your dog has a safe and healthy Thanksgiving:
  • Never give your dog poultry bones—they can splinter easily and stick in the esophagus, stomach, or intestines.
  • Keep him away from chocolate—it can be fatal to dogs. Bowls of candy, or pieces dropped by guests or children, may pose a real risk to your pets. The darker the chocolate, the more dangerous it is. But any chocolate, in large enough amounts, can kill a dog. An ounce of chocolate can be toxic to a 30-pound dog, and many dogs can easily consume more than that.
  • Don't let your dog lie where food is often dropped. If he is not trained to stay out of the garbage, use a can with a lid, or keep it out of your pet's reach. Dogs are capable of amazing feats when food is involved.
  • Make sure your pet can't access food left on counters or tables. After you've cleaned the kitchen, take the garbage out and dispose of it in a secure place where no pets can get into it.
  • Watch the door as guests enter and leave. An open door is an invitation for a dog to flee a busy house for the world outside. So as guests arrive and leave, keep an eye on your dog—or, if he's shy and upset by company, keep him in a quieter part of the house during noisy festivities.
Thanksgiving meals may have all your favorites, but imagine what can happen to your dog if he chows down on mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie. Keep in mind that the potential risks of feeding him Thanksgiving leftovers far outweigh his momentary delight. A little restraint and a yummy chew toy will keep your dog safe this Thanksgiving and for many holidays to come.

Article courtesy of

Sunday, November 17, 2013

How To Keep Dogs Warm In The Winter

How To Keep Dogs Warm In The Winter

During the Texas winter season, many dogs feel the cold as much as their owners do, especially dogs that are not habituated to the cold, or that have specific cold weather traits. Keeping your dog warm through the winter months is important to maintaining top health, and it won't take you much extra effort to ensure winter coziness for your canine pal. Remember if you are cold chances are so is your pet. 

Understand your breed 
Some dog breeds are more prone to the cold than others, while some breeds are adapt extremely well to the cold:
  • Dogs that are great in the cold include Alaskan Malamutes, Siberian Huskies and Chow Chows.
  • Dogs that find it harder include Dobermans, toy dogs, low hair or hairless dogs, and Greyhounds. Any shaven or excessively clipped dog will fall into this category as well because the thick winter coat is a dog's insulation.

Provide Appropriate Shelter
Provide appropriate shelter. It is optimal if your dog can remain indoors throughout winter, going outside for exercising and answering nature's call only. This will ensure that your dog doesn't get cold while you're out or asleep. Young puppies should not be left outside as they don't have the ability of older dogs to keep themselves warm outside.  
If you have an outside dog that you can not bring int  make sure they have adequate bedding and shelter. Fresh straw is an easy and suitable bedding that provides an additional layer of insulation. Just be sure to change it on a regular basis.

Ensure You Have Appropriate Bedding. 
Bedding is an important part of keeping a dog warm through winter. If your dog sleeps on the ground or somewhere with drafts, place the bed up off the floor. A custom-made bed with cushioned insert, blankets, and old clothing make good, warm bedding.
  • For old and arthritic dogs, consider using a heated dog bed.
  • Make sure you clean and change bedding regularly to reduce fleas, germs, and mess.

Take Shorter Walks In The Extreme Cold
Don't try to take your dog on the same length walks as during warmer weather. A shorter walk can still accomplish enough exercise and relief breaks without causing your dog (and you) to become too cold. Even if you are indoors you can still get plenty of exercise. Play fetch inside as well as if you have stairs you can use them for agility practice. 

Most important have fun and monitor your pet. If you are cold chances are so is your pet.