Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Vital Pet Vaccines: Responsible Pet Ownership and Awareness

Once you get a new pet you must begin thinking about vaccines, just as you would for your new child. There are many illnesses out there that you can completely prevent from ravaging your pet.

You must, by law, vaccinate your pet against rabies. This highly contagious disease is contracted through saliva and anything, including humans, can be effected by it. The early signs are jaw stiffness and inability to swallow. Once the rabies virus spreads to the brain the effected individual/animal will lash out at noises and bright lights. At this stage in the disease the brain is in complete disarray and no none cure exists.

- Chlamydia, Calici, and Rhinotracheitis:  All respiratory diseases and all communicable to humans.
- Distemper (Panleukopenia)  Distemper in cats cannot be spread to dogs. Vaccines are the only measure against distemper.

- Bordatella (Kennel Cough):Vaccines are available through a nasal spray. Treatment is possible through antibiotics.
- Distemper:  Highly contagious amongst dogs and, if survived, the animal will suffer severe mental impairment.
- Heartworms:  Preventative measures are available in pill and liquid form from your pet store. Treatment is expensive, painful and has been known to be fatal.
- Hepatitis:  Without a vaccine a dog does not stand much of a chance against this liver killing disease.
- Leptospirosis:  This vaccine is highly recommended if your dog likes to swim and play extensively in the outdoors.
- Parainfluenza:  If you board your dog in a kennel this vaccine is recommended.
- Parvovirus:  This vaccine is usually recommended by your vet. Responsible pet owner ship dictates the vaccine as this virus can be deadly and debilitating.

By Staff Writer Trish Harding

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