Arthritis can affect any dog regardless of breed. It can turn a friendly active dog into an angry sluggish dog. Many dogs, one in five, will get arthritis and have trouble with mobility as they get older. Other illnesses, including the flu and a stomach virus, can exhibit similar symptom.
So, how do you know if your dog has arthritis?
- Favoring a limb
- your pet may start limping or using a certain limb less
Difficulty sitting or standing
- always leaning to one leg and completely avoiding the other
Sleeping more Seeming to have stiff or sore joints
- may not like to have certain joints or areas touched
Hesitancy to jump, run or climb stairs
- you may need to purchase a smaller set of stairs or a ramp if they have trouble getting up
Weight gain
Decreased activity or less interest in play Attitude or behavior changes Call your veterinarian and express your concern for arthritis if these last more than two weeks or they get progressively worse. Waiting can cause more joint damage to occur.
By Staff Writer Trish Harding
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