Monday, April 8, 2013

Potty Training Your Puppy - Assigning a Potty Spot

Assign a Potty Spot

Once you catch your little guy or girl doing their potty dance, you will need to show them where it is okay to go potty.  If you can, the absolute best thing to do is take puppy straight outside.  This will train your puppy that the inside of the house is not a potty spot.   If that is not possible, due to the puppy just being too young for example, then you will need to paper train the puppy first  with a spot in the house. You can purchase training pads that have special smells at most pet stores. 
Your puppy will be able to hold on longer and longer as time goes by, making it possible to plan an outdoor excursion to the potty spot.  This is not something that will happen in a day or even a week.  Some puppies are stubborn when it comes to this.  Keep at it and you will be rewarded.  Speaking of rewards...

Reward Good Behavior

If your puppy goes potty where you want them to go, reward them!  This can be praising and petting your puppy, a special treat, or a combination of the two.  A mixture of treats, praise, and playtime works very well for puppies. Because puppy wants only to please you and only to play with you, your praise and play means everything to them and they will do anything to get it – including go potty in the right place.
Libby Mitchell
Fetch Pet Care of NE Dallas

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