Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Backyard Hazards for Pets

Heat isn’t the only thing to worry about when it comes to your pets. There are many dangerous things right outside your backdoor. When shopping for lawn care products it is a good idea to research what will harm your pet and what is safe. Some products are incredibly tempting to your dog and need special precautions.

Blood and bone meal fertilizers are made from ground up animal bones and dried blood powder. This will smell awesome to a dog but if ingested your pet runs the risk of iron poisoning and bone meal becomes a hard concrete like block upon entry into the stomach. Make sure to water your lawn after application as this will cut down on the smell for your dog and wash away the large particles so they are not eaten.

Cacao bean mulch is made from the ground up hulls of the cacao bean. It has a chocolate nutty smell when fresh and can potentially cause great harm to your pet. If eaten chocolate toxicity can set in and you would need to take your pet to the vet IMMEDIATELY. After application, water the area to reduce the yummy smell to your pets and to wash most of the particles into the soil.

Pesticides and baits placed in the house or in the yard also pose a health hazard. Keep these substances far out of reach from your pets and monitor your pets while they are in the yard to make sure they don’t consume any. IMMEDIATE vet care is suggested if your pet consumes pesticides.

By Staff Writer Trish Harding

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