Being cooped up in a house during the chilly months can result on a bored, anxious and excited dog. Barking at every little noise, licking constantly, chewing and whining are all things that put both you and your dog on edge.
It is useful to have some general purpose techniques to calm your dog in a variety of situations.
Calm Yourself
Your dog can pick up on your emotions so if you are antsy, jittery or pacing your furry friend will also feel the tension.
Don’t yell and rant at your dog just sit down, take a deep breath and then deal with your dog in a calm manner. Take notice of how your posture is and portray a stern but calm aura.
Focus On Something Else
If your dog is barking at something (not dangerous), licking excessively or chewing you can try to focus his attention on something else. Get onto the floor and entertain him with his favorite toy or just talk to him as you pet him. Give him a treat or let him up onto the couch with you. Dogs can get just as stressed and bored as we can and sometimes need a break.
Engage In Play Acting
Send your dog some cues that other dogs would send him letting him know it is okay to relax.
· Yawn deeply and loudly several times with taking in large amounts of air. Try to appear as relaxed as possible.
· Curl downward in a motion similar to touching your toes. Do not stretch upward as you will make yourself appear larger sending an aggression signal to your dog.
By Staff Writer Trish Harding
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